When life throws a curve ball


It has been over a month since I’ve shared anything I have written and when I saw today’s prompt, “Curve”, I knew it was time.

When life throws a curve ball, we can back away in fear, freeze up and hope it flies by quickly with no pain, or we can plant our feet firmly, bend those knees and get ready to knock it out of the park.  I am certainly no baseball expert, but you get my point.

With that said, let’s back up to the end of March when my youngest daughter’s pregnancy was going along smoothly.   We had big plans for purchasing must have items, getting the baby room ready; you know… the normal things you do at this part of the journey.

Early April, she went for an ultrasound that indicated a problem with baby’s tummy, so she went to a specialist and found out she would likely be having a planned C-section and her baby would be having surgery to correct whatever the “bowel problem” was.  The goal was to have her reach at least 36-38 weeks.   This was our first curve ball and we all braced ourselves, thanked God that it wasn’t anything worse and re-evaluated plans.

As her little belly grew substantially due to the increase in amniotic fluid, she looked as though she would burst, and that she did at 32 weeks.  Well, I guess burst is a strong word but I got a call in the wee hours of April 13th, where her calm voice said, “Mom, my water broke, I guess we should go to the hospital”.   Second curve ball here, and I was a little concerned because the specialist had just said the day before, “What we don’t want to happen is for her water to break and cause a placental abruption (tearing placenta away from uterus), as this will cause more complications”.   Need I tell you exactly what happened?

Little Cali was born sporting a distended little belly not even an hour after arriving at the hospital via an emergency cesarean.  Hours later, I stood with friends and family and watched a helicopter lift off taking her to Miami Children’s Hospital as my daughter, having lost 4 units of blood, was receiving transfusions and already lamenting being apart from her firstborn.   The following day Cali had surgery and we breathed a sigh of relief and thanked God again when we received the news that she had done great.

Our daughter was having issues getting blood pressure down although she had never had a moment’s trouble with it before, more blood was needed and no one could see Cali except her mom or her dad.  There were times when I felt like I was on a spinning ride at the fair, nauseous and needing to get off, but there was no end in sight.  However, most of the time, I felt peace; wonderful, beautiful peace.

You see, I believe the entire bible and I know that the rain falls on the just and the unjust.  I know that God has a plan, whether I can see it or understand it and I have faith that He will be with me through the storms of life.  He has been for years.  Specific storms may cease, but storms in general will continue to show up in this life.  We all anxiously await a time when everything is comfy, cozy and peaceful forevermore and that won’t happen this side of heaven.  The sooner we realize that and come to terms with it; we will stop waiting for tomorrow and live in the present.

With God on my side, I can brace up against the storms of life, knowing I have an advocate.  Don’t bother questioning me about His faithfulness because I am a lifelong fan.  With Him on my side, I can face any curve ball that life throws me with the confidence that He will never leave me or forsake me.  Like my favorite song says, “Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm”.

We have felt the love and hand of God in so many ways in the past few weeks.  We felt it as we held hands with our loyal and faithful Pastor as she led us in prayer, we felt it in the love expressed by family, friends and community, we felt it when doctors used the word “miracle”.  We have received monetary donations, cards, gifts, phone calls, messages, fundraisers lovingly set up by friends, hotel bookings, decals for our cars, flowers, food, house cleaning, baby crib and room finishing and most importantly lots of prayers!  I have probably forgotten something and if I have, I ask for mercy.  The outpouring of love has been overwhelming and our families will never forget it.

So, batter up – face that pitch – Thank you for your prayers for our baby Cali.  She is doing very well and we are trusting God for His will.


The pitcher has got only a ball. I’ve got a bat. So the percentage of weapons is in my favor and I let the fellow with the ball do the fretting.

— Hank Aaron


  1. Love your faith, lean hard into Him, he has you. It’s not what you had in your plan, but know I will pray to God for you and your family to give you strength, wisdom, and courage to handle this storm. Blessings.

  2. I thank God for putting my daughter-in-law in our life, I love you Lisa Daffin. This blog is as beautiful as you are.

  3. Claudia Hodson says:

    I am truly grateful God has chosen this wonderful family for my nephew Jacob to be a part of. I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Morgan while she was here in California and I must say, she lit up all of our lives. So beautiful, so young, so full of love for Jacob and his family. Baby Cali has such a wonderful support system, and such wonderful parents. Two young people who love each other so much, and love their baby girl more than life itself. My God continue to bless you all in your journey to bring baby Cali home💜

  4. Susan Breazeale says:

    What an awesome testimony of your faith and trust in our Lord! We don’t always understand God’s will, but we know it’s never wrong. Keep the faith and know we are covering you all in prayer.

  5. Ronnie Goff says:

    Amen! Our Shepherd is faithful.

  6. Lisa, what a beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness and your trust in Him.
    Blessings of continued healing and peace ~ Wendy

  7. Beautiful, inspiring testimony💜


  1. […] – What A Curve Ball 17. Curve – wordsareallihavesite 18. sprawly – DP- Curve 19. When life throws a curve ball – Long walks and dark chocolate 20. Life with Jess – Plan B 21. Seagull | 22. kwesi speaks – Curve 23. Voluptuous or […]

  2. […] articles:  When life throws a curve ball and Cali; the gift that keeps on […]

  3. […] a specialty pharmacy or a compound pharmacy (all things I would have never known about until Cali).   I called the farthest pharmacy away (the compound pharmacy) and although that one […]

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