Enjoying God’s gifts



Saturday sunset

I woke up to the realization that perhaps, if the weatherman’s forecast hit the mark, I could finally open the windows and enjoy some late arriving fall weather. When I was firing up my Keurig around 5:45, I decided to take a walk outside and see if it really was cooler. Those of us in SW FL have been hoping for a little cool down and we’ve just been getting let down. Well I guess I should say some are hoping for a cool down. Personally, I would love a snow miracle, or at least a good freeze to kill off all of the bugs. Walking around in the dark, the stars were still brilliant. They were set against a dark canvas, seemingly within arm’s reach.

I had to stand there for a few moments, in awe once again of the beauty of God’s creation. In the midst of turmoil and chaos, those stars still shine, the sun will still rise and it will still set. I reflected on my thankfulness for the un-changing things. The things that remain predictable, even in times of great uncertainty.

I love to recognize and reflect upon the gifts God gave us that we sometimes take for granted. There are those gifts that are obscured from our vision if we fail to take the time to really look. We take so much for granted because we don’t take the time to slow down and let things sink in. We tend to rush through things and only let our minds light on a topic for a moment, before we flutter away in our impatient quest to find another one.

If I may give thanks this morning for the firm realization that I must be alone sometimes, I must take time to tarry, that it is more than okay if I slow down and bask in the sunlight of moments and memories. In recent years, this realization has afforded me much happiness.

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content
Philippians 4:11

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